Peak Stats
Elevation: 6119 ft
Milage: 4 miles to summit
Elevation gain: 5000ft
Trail Conditions: Easy to follow, well maintained. Relatively steep! Scrabble near the top
Time: Allow 7 to 10 hours round trip
View from the town of Palmer. Matanuska is the biggest peak on right, and that is Lazy Mountain on the left. |
Matanuska also known as Byer's Peak is the large prominent peak (elevation 6119 ft) west of the Knik river and looms over the town of Palmer. It reminds me of Mt.Crumpit from The Grinch by Dr. Seuss! There are two easy ways to access the peak, the only way I have is from the trail head off Smith Road, but the other access from the McRoberts Trailhead via the Lazy Mountain Ridge and is worth exploring! For being such an accessible peak it offers a good work-out, you start near sea-level and gain over 5000 ft in 4 miles, and the view cant be beat either!
View from the Bowl! Fantastic Camping! June 2013 |
The first time I summited Matanuska was late October 2012. On a COLD Friday evening my hiking buddies; Scott and Adam and I hiked into the Matanuska Bowl via the Matanuska Trail off of Smith Road. The Bowl is a fantastic valley to camp in. We sat up camp near a stream and luckily had a four season tent, the temperature dipped below zero but it wasn't true winter camping; there was no snow! We slept cozy, and woke up the next morning for the summit ascent. Deceived by the low mileage, its only 4 miles to the summit from the trail head, we thought it would be an easy peak to tag. We quickly learned that despite the low mileage it's the elevation gain that gets ya! The trail is steep,but easy to follow up until the final push, where it becomes a scree slope.The last 1000 feet of elevation gain which is by far the toughest and the most fun part takes some scrambling, and if you're small like me it becomes a full body work-out! Loving life and scree we did not summit until well into the early afternoon. We were rewarded with the treat of a bluebird sky and views of five mountain ranges. After summiting and packing up camp we didnt make it out until around 8pm.
View from the top October 2012. Hello high Chugach Peaks!! |
View from peak October 2012 |
Summit "Mom" shot! June 2013 |
Headed down the scree and talus |
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